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Token-based Authentication with Revocation

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Authentication and Authorization

Authentication: the process by which we confirm that a party is who they says they are, we often refer to that party as the principal

Authorization: the mechanism by which we confine a principal to the actions that we allow them to do

Authentication Approaches

Stateful Authentication

When a principal logs in to our system we create an entry on a stateful storage (we call this the session store) and give the session entry ID back to the entity for subsequent interactions.

Session ID must be generated in a way that it is unique and cryptographically safe.

Stateful Authentication

Note: Only the cryptographic hashes of the passwords are stored, not their raw form.

Stateless Authentication

When a principal logs in to our system, we create a proof-of-login token that will be returned to the principal for subsequent interactions. And, for it to be called stateless, we DO NOT store it anywhere within our system.

To achieve this, the login token must be:

  • Universally unique
  • Cryptographically signed to ensure integrity with optional encryption on top

Stateless Authentication

Cryptographic Signing

Requirement: The content of a token MUST NOT be modified by anyone else after creation.

  • This is done by attaching a digital signature along with the token payload. The signature is created by cryptographically hashing the payload and a secret.
  • Every time a token is received, the payload will be hashed again with the secret to generate an authentic signature, this signature will then be compare to the attached signature in the token.
  • Due to the nature of cryptographic hash. Third-parties cannot generate an authentic signature without knowing the secret. If the content was modified the hash result will change. Thus failing signature validation.

Example: JSON Web Token

Generate: JWT = header.payload.signature
Where signature = Hash(base64(header).base64(payload), secret))

Validate: JWT = header.payload.signature
Check if signature == Hash(base64(header).base64(payload), secret))


Requirement: The content of a token MUST NOT be readable by anyone else other than the issuer.

  • This is done by encrypting the token with a secret. Should be done with a secure cipher.

Example: JSON Web Encryption

Stateful vs Stateless


Need to maintain a storage

Hard to scale

Additional latency when querying the storage

No storage to maintain

Superb scaling

Little to nothing additional latency

Easy to implement

Revocation is simple

HARD to do right

Revocation is complicated

Truly Stateless?



  • Log out of the current session
  • Log out of all sessions
  • Log out specific sessions

Revocation in Stateful Authentication

Simply delete all corresponding session entries in the session store

Revocation in Stateless Authentication

How can we revoke tokens that we do not store?

Advanced Token Based Authentication

Access Token & Refresh Token

To solve revocation, tokens are effectively categorized into 2 types: Access Token & Refresh Token

Access Token is used for accessing protected resources. It should have a short to medium expire time.

Refresh Token is used for acquiring new Access Tokens and MUST be stateful. If Refresh Token is stateless we will come back to the exact limitations encountered before (n + 1 problem). It should have a very long or forever expire time.

Logging out the current session, all sessions, specific sessions are now just a simple delete of the corresponding Refresh Tokens in our database.

Access Tokens & Refresh Tokens

How is using Refresh Tokens differs from using a stateful session store?

  • Database retrieval for Refresh Tokens only happen once you require a new Access Token which is the interval of your Access Token expire time. Total database hit is much less than querying for login entries in the session store that happens every API call.
  • Refresh Tokens(s) travel through the internet in much less frequency than the traditional session ID. So in a sense, it is more secure.

Unexpired Access Token(s)

In previous sections, we assumed that, using the Access Token & Refresh Token strategy, logging out current session, all sessions, specific sessions are now just a simple delete of the corresponding Refresh Tokens in our database.

What will happen to the unexpired Access Token(s) after the deletion of corresponding Refresh Tokens?
They are still usable for accessing protected resources during their time-to-live

Blocking Revoked Access Tokens

In order to invalidate unexpired Access Token(s), we generate a block-list entry when a Refresh Token is revoked.

Since every Access Token is generated by a source Refresh Token. We can simply embed the Refresh Token ID to the Access Token

When we verify an access token, we can extract the source Refresh Token ID and make sure that it doesn't exist the the block list.

=> What we are doing here is essentially having a session store for logout sessions

How does the logout session store differ with traditional login session store?

  • It is much smaller. Users tend to stay logged in for a longer amount of time.
  • Each recorded logout session entry only need to exist for the time-to-live of generated Access Token(s) and can be cleaned up to reduce collection size.
